[ Business | Finance | Prog/IT | Structure | Terms | BkDB App | >> ]


4Ps> Product, Price, Place, and Promotion
B2B> Business To Business
B2G> Business To Government
BA> Business Analyst
BC> Business Consultant
BCGmtrx> Boston Consulting Group Matrix {growth-share}
BP> Business Partner
BP> Business Process
BPM> Business Process Management
BPR> Business Process Reengineering
BUS> Business
CAM> Computer Aided Manufacturing
CCO> Chief Commercial Officer
CEO> Chief Executive Officer
CHRO> Chief Human Resource Officer
CIO> Chief Innovation Officer
CKO> Chief Knowledge Officer
CMS|EMS> Content/Entreprise Management System {web}
CONS> Consultant/Consulting
CPM> Critical Path Method
CPO> Chief Pension Officer
CPO> Chief Personnel Officer
CRO> Chief Risk Officer
CSO> Chief Sientific Officer
CTO> Chief Technical Officer
CTO> Chief Trading Officer
DEPT> Department
DSS> Decision Support System
eCOM> electronic Commerce
EDU> Education
ERP> Entreprise Resource Planning {IT}
IMD> International Institute for Management Development {.ch}
IS> Information Service {dept}
JIT> Just In Time
KRI> Key Risk Indicator
KYCC> Know Your Customer's Customer
LBS> London Business School {.uk}
MBA> Master of Business Administration
MKTG> Marketing
MS> Master of Science
ORG> Organization
PERT> Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PR> Public Relations
PROD> Product/Production
SBU> Strategic Business Unit
SMB> Small to Medium(-sized) Business {SME}
SMM> Social Media Marketing
SRM> Supplier Relationship Management
SWOT> Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats {analysis}
TOP> Topic
TTM> Time To Market
VP> Vice President


ADR> Alternative Dispute Resolution
CO> Company
DiPLO> DiploFoundation {.mt}
FRAND> Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory
GOV> Government/Governance
IHEID> Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies {.ch}
INST> Institute
ISDS> Investor-State Dispute Settlement
LLP> Limited Liability Partnership {.us}
LTD> Private Limited Company {.uk}
NFP> Not-For-Profit {NPO}
NPO> Non-Profit Organization {non-bus: corp/trust/association}
PLC> Public Limited Company {.uk}
POL> Political/Politics
REG> Regulation/Regulate
SA> Société Anonyme {.ch}
SE> European Company / Societas Europaea {public limited .eu}
SLA> Service Level Agreement
ToR> Terms of Reference {desc/specs, conditions}
WIPO> World Intellectual Property Organization {.ch}


AS> Aggregate Supply
CPI> Consumer Price Index
ERM> Exchange Rate Mechanism {FX fixing}
GDP> Gross Domestic Product {= C + I + G + NX}
GNP> Gross National Product
ICSID> International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes {WBG}
IFC> International Finance Corporation {WBG}
IMF> International Monetary Fund {.us}
LDC> Less/Least Developed Country
MACRO> Macroeconomics
MIGA> Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency {WBG}
OECD> Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development {.fr}
PPI> Producer Price Index
Q> Quantity
SAP> Speculative Asset Price {bubble}
TARP> Troubled Asset Relief Program


A/P> Accounts Payable
ABC> Activity Based Costing
ACCT> Account/Accounting
AICPA> American Institute of Certified Public Accountants {.us}
ASC> Accounting Standards Codification {FASB}
BIG4> Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers
CECL> Current Expected Credit Loss
CIA> Certified Internal Auditor {IIA}
CMA> Certified Management Accountant {IMA}
CPA> Certified Public Accountant {AICPA}
DDB> Double Declining Balance {method}
EBITDA> Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization
FA> Financing Activities {CF}:
Cash inflows and outflows from transactions with creditors (excluding trade creditors & all interest on debt) and owners.

FASB> Financial Accounting Standards Board
GAAP> Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GASB> Government Accounting Standards Board
IAS> International Accounting Standards {IASC}
IASC> International Accounting Standards Committee
IFRS> International Financial Reporting Standards {IASB}
IMA> Institute of Management Accountants {.us}
IPSAS> International Public Sector Accounting Standards
IRS> Internal Revenue Service {gov .us}
MACRS> Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System {IRS}
N/P> Notes Payable
NI> Net Income
OA> Operating Activities {CF}:
Cash inflows and outflows related to the transactions entering into the determination of net operating income.

P&L> Profit and Loss {statement}
PMT> Payment {CF}
PwC> PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP {Big 4 .uk}
RBB> Results-Based Budgeting {UN}
ROA> Return On Assets
SFAC> Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts {FASB}


B/E> Bill of Exchange
BIC> Bank/Business Identifier Code
CFR> Cost and Freight {Incoterms 2010}
CIP> Carriage and Insurance Paid to {Incoterms 2010}
CISG> Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
CO> Certificate of Origin
CPT> Carriage Paid To {Incoterms 2010}
D/P> Documents against Payment {bills for collection}
DAP> Delivered At Place {Incoterms 2010}
DDP> Delivered Duty Paid {Incoterms 2010}
DEQ> Delivered Ex Quay {Incoterms 2000}
EAFE> Europe, Australasia, and Far East
EXW> Ex Works {Incoterms 2010}
FCA> Free Carrier {Incoterms 2010}
GATT> General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
IBAN> International Bank Account Number
L/C> Letter of Credit
NAFTA> North American Free Trade Agreement
RFP> Request For Proposal
SWIFT> Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication {.be}
UCC> Uniform Commercial Code
URC> Uniform Rules for Collection
WCO> World Customs Organization {.be}


[BP]> Basis Point {100[bp] = 1%}
4thMKT> Fourth Market {.us}:
A term occasionally used for (private) direct trading of securities between institutional investors; the fourth market would include trading on Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs).

ABS> Asset Backed Security
ADR> American Depositary Receipt
AI> Accrued Interest
ALIS> Autonomous Learning Investment Strategies {AI}
ALPHA> Jensen's Alpha {SML, risk adjusted active return}
AON> All Or Nothing {full order}
APT> Arbitrage Pricing Theory {model}
ARB> Arbitrageur/Arbitrage
AT> Automated/Algorithmic Trading {prog/basket, smart routing, rules-based, AI}:
Any form of trading that is not manual, including electronic trading based on algorithms which is subject to quantitative rules and user-specified benchmarks and constraints.

ATS> Alternative Trading System {reg elec trade: ECN, cross net, call/batch mkt .us .ca}
BA> Banker's Acceptance
BD> Broker/Dealer {sell-side trade}:
A financial intermediary (often a company) that may function as a principal (dealer) or as an agent (broker) depending on the type of trade. Broker/dealers sell securities and make recommendations for various customers, such as investment managers and institutional investors.

BETA> Beta {SML, systematic risk exposure, = dRp/dRm}
BID> Bid Price {best buy mkt/inside quote}:
In a price quotation, the price at which the party making the quotation is willing to buy a specified quantity of an asset or security.

CAIA> Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst {.us}
CAP> Capital/Capitalization {micro, small, mid, large mkt}
CAT> Catastrophe Bond
CD> Certificate of Deposit
CDPC> Credit Derivative Product Company
CE> Certainty Equivalent
CFaR> Cash Flow at Risk
CIIA> Certified International Investment Analyst {.ch}
CIWM> Certified International Wealth Manager {.ch}
CLS> Continuously Linked Settlement
COM> Commission
CONV> Convexity {bond d2P, parallel yield dY[bp]}
CPPI> Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance
D/P> Dividend Yield {trailing, leading}
DCF> Discounted Cash Flow {valuation model}
DELTA> Delta {option dP, stock dS}
DIB> Deferred Interest Bond
DOL> Degree of Operating Leverage
DTL> Degree of Total Leverage {= DOL + DFL}
DV01> Dollar Duration {bond dP, parallel yield dY[bp]}
EAR> Effective/Equivalent Annual Rate {compound, = EAY}
ECN> Electronic Communication Network {elec lim order mkt}:
Computer-based auctions that operate continuously within the day using a specified set of rules to execute orders.

effDUR> Effective Duration {bond %dP, parallel yield dY[bp]}
EMH> Efficient Market Hypothesis
ERP> Energy Risk Professional {GARP}
ETF> Exchange-Traded Fund
EV> Entreprise Value
EVA> Economic Value Added
FCF> Free Cash Flow {FCFF, FCFE}
FCFF> Free Cash Flow to the Firm
FINTECH> Financial Technology
FOK> Fill Or Kill {full immediate order}
FRM> Financial Risk Manager {GARP}
FVA> Future Value (Ordinary) Annuity
GAMMA> Gamma {option d2P, stock dS}
GARP> Growth at Reasonable Price {core/blend equity style investing}
GFD> Good For the Day {order}
GIPS> Global Investment Performance Standards {CFA}
GOO> Good On Open {order}
GTC> Good Till Cancelled {order}
HF> Hedge Fund
HNWI> High Net Worth Individual
HPY> Holding Period Yield
IB> Internet Banking
IB> Investment Bank/Banking {sell-side trade}
ICO> Initial Coin Offering
INV> Investment/Investing {buy-side trade}:
Commitment of current resources in the expectation of deriving greater resources in the future.

IPO> Initial Public Offering {primary mkt}
IR> Information Ratio {active return/risk}
IS> Implementation Shortfall {cost/trade stgy, arrival price benchmark}:
The difference between the money return on a notional or paper portfolio and the actual portfolio return. IS strategy attempts to minimize trading costs as measured by the implementation shortfall method. Also called arrival price strategy.

LBO> Leveraged Buyout
LIBOR> London Interbank Offered Rate
LIRR> Linked Internal Rate of Return {chain-linked MWR, TWR approx}
LOO> Limit On Open {GOO order}
M2> Modigliani and Modigliani Return {CAL}
M2M> Marking To Market
MAR> Minimum Acceptable Return
MCP> Manager Continuation Policy
MID> Midquote {= mkt(ask + bid)/2}:
The halfway point between the market bid and ask prices.

MKT> Market
MM> Modigliani and Miller Theorem {cap struct}
MMY> Money Market Yield {simple ACT/360, CD equivalent Yield}
modDUR> Modified Duration {bond %dP, parallel yield dY[bp]}
MPT> Modern Portfolio Theory:
Principles underlying analysis and evaluation of rational portfolio choices based on risk–return trade-offs and efficient diversification.

MV> Market Value
MVHR> Minimum Variance Hedge Ratio {opt HR}
MWR(R)> Money-Weighted (Rate of) Return {IRR}:
Same as the internal rate of return; the growth rate that will link the ending value of the account to its beginning value plus all intermediate cash flows.

NDF> Non-Deliverable Forward {cash settlement}
NRFR> Nominal Risk Free Rate
OID> Original Issue Discount
OMS> Order Management System {trade blotter}:
A device for entering and tracking trade executions and orders to trade.

P/B> Price to Book Value Ratio {per share}
PERF> Performance {eval: measurement, attribution, appraisal}:
The measurement and assessment of the outcomes of investment management decisions consisting of performance measurement: the relatively simple procedure of calculating the rate of return; performance attribution: the comparison with a designated benchmark for the identification and quantification of sources of differential returns; and performance appraisal: the quantitative assessment of the manager’s investment skill.

PIPE> Private Investment in Public Entity
PRMIA> Professional Risk Managers' International Association
PVA> Present Value (Ordinary) Annuity
RAROC> Risk Adjusted Return On Capital
REIT> Real Estate Investment Trust
RFR> Risk Free Rate
ROIC|ROC> Return On/Of (Invested) Capital {= ROI}
RRFR> Real Risk Free Rate
SAA> Strategic Asset Allocation:
The process of allocating money to IPS-permissible asset classes that integrates the investor's return objectives, risk tolerance, and investment constraints with long-run capital market expectations. The result of the above process is also known as the policy portfolio.

SEF> Swap Execution Facility
SML> Security Market Line
SPRD[%]> Spread
SR> Sharpe Ratio {CAL, reward to volatility}
SRI> Socially Responsible Investing {ethical, positive/negative screens}
TAA> Tactical Asset Allocation:
Asset allocation that involves making short-term adjustments to asset class weights based on short-term predictions of relative performance among asset classes.

TE(V)> Tracking Error (Volatility) {active risk}:
The standard deviation of the differences between a portfolio's returns and its benchmark's returns; a synonym of active risk. Also called tracking risk.

TR> Treynor Ratio {SML}
TRR> Total Rate of Return {capital gain/loss, income}:
A measure of the increase in the investor’s wealth due to both investment income (for example, dividends and interest) and capital gains (both realized and unrealized).

TVaR> Tail Value at Risk
TWAP> Time-Weighted Average Price {cost/trade stgy, equal-weighted benchmark}:
TWAP logical participation strategy assumes a flat volume profile and trades in proportion to time.

VAL> Value/Valuation
VC> Venture Capital
VWAP> Volume-Weighted Average Price {cost/trade stgy, benchmark}:
The average price at which a security is traded during a day (period), where each trade price is weighted by the fraction of the day’s (period) volume associated with the trade. VWAP logical participation strategy involves breaking up an order over time according to a prespecified volume profile.

YTM> Yield to Maturity {= IRR}


BIS> Bank for International Settlements {.ch}
CBOT> Chicago Board Of Trade {CME Group .us}
CME> Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group Inc.
COSO> Committee Of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
ECB> European Central Bank {.de}
EST> Eastern Standard Time {= UTC -5 .us}
FINRA> Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. {.us}
GMT> Greenwich Mean Time {= UTC}
ICB> Industry Classification Benchmark {FTSE}
LSE> London Stock Exchange PLC
NAICS> North American Industry Classification System {gov}
NASDAQ> National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation, Inc. {.us}
SEC> Securities and Exchange Commission {gov .us}
TSX> Toronto Stock Exchange Inc. {TSE before .ca}
UTC> Coordinated Universal Time {ITU}


BGN> Bulgarian Lev {FX}
BTC> Bitcoin {crypto-FX}
CHF> Swiss Franc / Confederation Helvetica Franc {FX}
EUR> Euro {FX}
HKD> Hong Kong Dollar {FX}
JPY> Japanese Yen {FX}
SGD> Singapore Dollar {FX}
USD> United States Dollar {FX}


ALG> Algebra
ANOVA> Analysis Of Variance
CDF> Cumulative Distribution Function
CONST> Constant
COV> Covariance
DERV> Derivatives
FUNC|f(x)> Function
GRAPH> Graphic {= f(x)}
HA> Alternative Hypothesis
IID> Independently and Identically Distributed
KURT> Kurtosis {4M: fourth moment}
LN> Lognormal / Natural Logarithm {= f(x)}
MAD> Mean Absolute Deviation
MTRX> Matrices
OPT> Optimal/Optimization
PDF> Probability Density Function {continuous}
PROB> Probabilities
SD> Standard Deviation
STAT> Statistics {descriptive, inferential}
VAR> Variance {2M: second moment}
WM> Weighted Mean {1M: first moment, expected}

   << PROG/IT

*.ACCDB> Acess Database {MS Office DB}
*.EXE> Executable {bin machine code}
*.PPT(X)> PowerPoint {MS Office}
*.WMA> Windows Media Audio {MS}
*.XLS(X)> Excel Workbook {MS Office}
*.XLSM> Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook {MS Office}
[DPI]> Dots Per Inch {printer}
[PPI]> Pixels Per Inch {screen}
[TWIP]> Twentieth of an (Imperial/Inch) Point {20 per typo point x 72 = 1440 per inch}
ABAP> Advanced Business Application Programming {SAP prog/lng}
AD> Active Directory {domain network service}
AI> Artifical Intelligence
ALGO> Algorithmic/Algorithm {prog}
ANSI> (American National Standards Institute) {8 bit win/CP-1252 char encoding > ISO 8859-1}
APP> Application {prog/soft}
ARG> Argument {var}
ASP(.NET)> Active Server Pages {MS web prog .NET}
AVC> Advanced Video Coding
BASIC> Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code {prog/lng}
BCC> Blind Carbon Copy {email}
BOM> Byte Order Mark {unicode encoding id U+FEFF char in bytes at txt start}
C&P> Copy and Paste
ccTLD> Country Code Top Level Domain
CERT> Certificate/Certify {id}
CGI> Common Gateway Interface {Perl scripts}
CLR> Common Language Runtime {MS .NET}
CnP> Cut and Paste
CODEC> Encoder-Decoder {digital data stream/storage, compression/encryption}
COMPL> Compiler/Compile {code}
CRYPTO> Cryptographic/Cryptography {encrypt/decrypt key}:
The mathematical application used to write information in such as a way as to render it unintelligible to those who do not have the means of decrypting it. Plain text is encrypted using an algorithm and an encryption key in order to create ciphertext, which can be decrypted using the corresponding decryption/decipherment key (if reversible).

CSV> Comma Separated Values {txt}
DAO> Data Access Objects {MS Jet DB engine lib}
DB> Database
DDoS> Distributed Denial of Service {hack}:
A saturation (or denial of service) attack launched from several systems simultaneously. A distributed denial of service attack uses a large number of computers infected by a worm or a Trojan horse to launch simultaneous attacks at a target in a very short time.

DEL> Delete
DESC> Description/Describe
DHCP> Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DICT|DIC> Dictionary
DivX> DivX LLC {video codec}
DLL> Dynamic Link Library {binary compiled late binding}
DnD> Drag and Drop {mouse CnP}
DOC> Document {file}
DoS> Denial of Service {hack}:
A denial of service attack consist in sending a large number of packets in large bursts to a system (packetting) and in order to flood it.

DS> Data Science
EQV> Equivalence {logic opr}
EXEC> Execution/Execute {prog}
FAQ> Frequently Asked Question
FB> Facebook, Inc. {.us}
FTP> File Transfer Protocol
GDPR> General Data Protection Regulation {.eu}
GFX> Graphics
GIP> Geneva Internet Platform {DiPLO}
GPL> General Public License {open source soft}
HACK> Hacker/Hacking {cyber attack}:
The series of operations used to attack/breach an information technology system.

HTTP> Hypertext Transfer Protocol {web}
ICANN> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
IDE> Integrated Development Environment
IG> Internet Governance
IIS> Internet Information Services {web server}
IMG> Image {file}
INFO> Information/Informatics
IoT> Internet of Things
IPTV> Internet Protocol Television
IRC> Internet Relay Chat {prot}
ISOC> Internet Society
IT> Information Technology
JDK> Java Development Kit
JSP> Java Server Pages {web prog}
LANG|LNG> Language {prog/script/cmd}
LIB> Library {file}
LNK> Link
MAPI> Messaging Application Programming Interface {email}
MCSE> Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert {.us}
MIME> Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions {web}
ML> Machine Learning {AI}
MP3> MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer III
MS> Microsoft Corporation {.us}
MS-DOS> Microsoft Disk Operating System
NAND> Alternative Denial {not both, logic opr/gate}
NDIS> Network Driver Interface Specification {NIC API}
NOR> Joint Denial {neither, logic opr/gate}
NT> Microsoft Windows New Technology {OS}
NTP> Network Time Protocol {UTC}
ODBC> Open Database Connectivity {DBMS API}
OOP> Object Oriented Programming {prog paradigm}
OPT> Optional/Option
OS> Operating System
OWL> Web Ontology Language {semantic web}
PAK> Package {soft}
PCX> PiCture eXchange {ZSoft Paintbrush img}
PHP> PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor / Personal Home Page {web}
PKT> Packet/Packeting {net}
POP3> Post Office Protocol version 3 {email}
PRNG> Pseudo Random Number Generator
PROG> Program/Programming {code}
PUP> Potentially Unwanted Program
QoE> Quality of Experience {satisfaction}
RAS> Remote Access Service {hard/soft}
RDF> Resource Description Framework {semantic web}
REG> Register/Registry
RSS> Rich Site Summary / Really Simple Syndication
SAS> Statistical Analysis System - SAS Institute Inc. {.us}
SE> Search Engine
SEC> Section
SIM> Simulation/Simulate
SMTP> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol {email}
SOAP> Simple Object Access Protocol {web services}
SPEC> Specification/Specify {desc}
SQL> Structured Query Language
SSI> Server Side Includes {scripts}
STD> Standard/Standardize
SVM> Support Vector Machine/Network
SYNC> Synchronization/Synchronize
TCP> Transmission Control Protocol
TIF(F)> Tag Image File Format {img}
TOC> Table of Contents
TPL> Template
TSL> Transport Layer Security {crypto network protocol}
TTS> Text To Speech {tech}
TYPO> Typographic/Typography {char}
UDF> User Defined Function
UML> Unified Modeling Language {software design}
URL> Uniform Resource Locator {web}
UX> User Experience
VBA> Visual Basic for Applications {MS prog/lng}
VM> Virtual Machine
VoD> Video on Demand
VOL> Volume
VR> Virtual Reality
VS> Visual Studio {MS IDE}
W3C> World Wide Web Consortium
WIN> Microsoft Windows {OS}
WML> Wireless Markup Language {web, mob}
WWW> World Wide Web
XBRL> eXtensible Business Reporting Language
XML> eXtensible Markup Language

   << TECH/IT

(m)TAN> (Mobile) Transaction Authentication Number {SMS cross check}
(x)DSL> Digital Subscriber Line {copper/fiber-optic phone}
[B]> Byte {binary word/unit, octet = 8 bits}
[DEC]> Decimal Data/Digit {base 10: 0-9}
[EB]> Exabyte {1024[PB] = 1B60 bytes}
[GB]> Gigabyte {1024[MB] = 1B30 bytes}
[HEX]> Hexadecimal Data/Digit {base 16: 0-F}
[KHz]> Kilohertz {1E3 hertz freq}
[MHz]> Megahertz {1E6 hertz freq}
[PB]> Petabyte {1024[TB] = 1B50 bytes}
[ZB]> Zettabyte {1024[EB] = 1B70 bytes}
AC/DC> Alternating/Direct Current
ADSL> Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line {copper/fiber-optic tel}
ALU> Arithmetic and Logic Unit {CPU}
AMD> Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. {.us}
ARPANET> Advanced Research Projects Agency Network {DARPA}
ATA> Advanced Technology Attachment {protocol, IDE cable/connector}
ATM> Automated Teller Machine:
An electronic machine that provides banking services.

BE> Big Endian {most significant byte/bit first endianness}
BIOS> Basic Input Output System {boot mem}
BRD> Broadcast/Broadcasting
CD> Compact Disc
CDMA> Code Division Multiple Access {radio com}
CENELEC> European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization {.be}
CGA> Color Graphics Adapter {4 color 320x200 display}
CMOS> Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor {integrated circuit technology}
COMP> Computer/Compute {calc, exec}
CSC> Card Security Code {3-4 digits}
CYBER> Cybernetics {complex sys gov, feedback ctrl}
DAC> Digital to Analog Converter {elec}
DD> Dolby Digital / Dolby Laboratories, Inc. {audio compr tech .us}
DDR> Double Data Rate {ver 1-4 data transfer, bus}
DELL> Dell Inc. {DELLTECH .us}
DELLTECH> Dell Technologies Inc. {.us}
DIMM> Dual In-Line Memory Module {RAM board}
DMA> Direct Memory Access
DRAM> Dynamic Random Access Memory
DTT(V)> Digital Terrestrial Television
DVB> Digital Video Broadcasting {(-C/T/S): cable/terrestrial/sat}
DVD-RAM> Digital Versatile Disc - Random Access Memory
EBU> European Broadcasting Union {.ch}
ELEC> Electronics
EPFL> École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne {.ch}
ESOA> EMEA Satellite Operators Association {.be}
ETSI> European Telecommunications Standards Institute {.fr}
FDD> Floppy Disk/Diskette Drive {FD}
FHD(+)> Full High Definition {24[bpp] color 1920x1080 video}
GEO> Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit / Geostationary (Earth) Orbit {sat}
GPRS> General Packet Radio Service {GSM}
GPU> Graphics Processing Unit
GSMA> Global System for Mobile Communications Association {.uk}
HARD> Hardware {elec}
HD> High Density {1.2[MB] 5.25, 1.44[MB] 3.5 inches floppy}
HDD> Hard Disk Drive {HD}
HDTV> High Definition Television {DTV}
I/O> Input/Output
ICBM> Intercontinental Ballistic Missile {mil}
IDE> Integrated Drive Electronics {cable/connector}
IEEE> Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers {.us}
IRQ> Interrupt Request {hard line/signal to CPU}
ISDN> Integrated Services Digital Network {tel line}
K7> Compact Cassette {analog audio, magnetic tape}
LCD> Liquid Crystal Display
LE> Little Endian {least significant byte/bit first endianness}
LPT> Line Printer Terminal {parallel port}
M2M> Machine To Machine
MAN> Metropolitan Area Network
MFN> Multi-Frequency Network
MIMO> Multiple Input Multiple Output {radio com}
MMS> Multimedia Messaging Service {mob}
MODEM> Modulator-Demodulator {tel/copper line}
NASA> National Aeronautics and Space Administration {gov .us}
NGSO> Non-Geostationary (Satellite) Orbit
NORAD> North American Aerospace Defense Command {gov .us .ca}
NTSC> National Television Standards Committee {analog TV .us}
OSD> On-Screen Display {info, menu}
PATA> Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment {IDE cable/connector, ATA protocol}
PC> Program Counter {CPU reg}
PCI> Peripheral Component Interconnect {bus}
PIN> Personal Identification Number {SIM}
PnP> Plug and Play {hard auto id}
PSU> Power Supply Unit
PUK> Personal Unblocking Key {SIM}
R/W> Read/Write
RAM> Random Access Memory
RF> Radio Frequency {[Hz], on spectrum}
RJ11> Registered Jack 11 {phone cable/connector}
ROM> Read Only Memory
RTL> Resistor-Transistor Logic {digital circuit technology}
SAT> Satellite
SATCOM> Satellite Communication {radio}
SB> Sound Blaster - Creative Technology Ltd. {audio card .sg}
SCSI> Small Computer System Interface {cable/connector}
SDHC> Secure Digital High Capacity {SD < 32[GB]}
SDRAM> Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDSL> Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line {copper/fiber-optic phone}
SDXC> Secure Digital eXtended Capacity {SD < 2[TB]}
SETI> Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - SETI Institute {.us}
SI> International System of Units {BIPM}
SIM> Subscriber Identity/Identification Module {mob card}
SMS> Short Message Service {mob}
SSID> Service Set Identifier {WLAN name}
SVGA> Super Video Graphics Array {256 color 800x600 display}
TDMA> Time Division Multiple Access {radio com}
TEL|LINE> Telephone (Line)
TELECOM> Telecommunications
TV> Television {analog PAL/SECAM/NTSC}
UHDTV> Ultra High Definition Television {DTV}
UXGA> Ultra Extended Graphics Array {24[bpp] color 1600x1200 display}
VGA> Video Graphics Array {256/16 color 320x200/640x480 display}
VRAM> Video Random Access Memory
WAN> Wide Area Network
WD> Western Digital Corporation {.us}
WiMAX> Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access {radio com}
WPA> Wi-Fi Protected Access {prot}

   << MED/IT

BIO> Biological/Biology
CALICO> California Life Company - Calico Life Sciences, LLC {.us}
DNA> Deoxyribonucleic Acid {gene}
eHEALTH> electronic Health
EMR> Electronic Medical Record {EHR}
ISfTeH> International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth {.ch}
MED> Medicine
PET> Positron Emission Tomography {radionuclide gamma ray tracer/scan, 3D slicing}
WHO> World Health Organization {.ch}

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