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Book Topics:


Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
Michael E. Porter
(c) 1998
The Free Press

  • Chp.01 > The Structural Analysis of Industries
  • Chp.03 > A Framework for Competitor Analysis
  • Chp.05 > Competitive Moves
  • Chp.07 > Structural Analysis Within Industries
  • Chp.09 > Competitive Strategy in Fragmented Industries
  • Chp.11 > The Transition to Industry Maturity
  • Chp.13 > Competition in Global Industries
  • Chp.15 > Capacity Expansion

Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance
Michael E. Porter
(c) 1998
The Free Press

  • Chp.01 > Competitive Strategy: The Core Concepts
  • Chp.03 > Cost Advantage
  • Chp.05 > Technology and Competitive Advantage
  • Chp.07 > Industry Segmentation and Competitive Advantage
  • Chp.09 > Interrelationships among Business Units
  • Chp.11 > Achieving Interrelationships
  • Chp.13 > Industry Scenarios and Competitive Strategy under Uncertainty
  • Chp.15 > Attacking an Industry Leader


The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship
William D. Bygrave, Andrew Zacharakis
4th Edition
(c) 2010
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > The Entrepreneurial Process
  • Chp.03 > Opportunity Recognition, Shaping, and Reshaping
  • Chp.05 > Business Planning
  • Chp.07 > Equity Financing: Informal Investment, Venture Capital, and Harvesting
  • Chp.09 > External Assistance for Start-ups and Small Businesses
  • Chp.11 > Intellectual Property
  • Chp.13 > Beyond Start-up: Developing and Sustaining the Growing Organization
  • Chp.15 > Social Entrepreneurship


Excellence in Business Communication
John V. Thill, Courtland L. Bovée
10th Edition
(c) 2013
Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > Achieving Success Through Effective Business Communication
  • Chp.03 > Communicating in a World of Diversity
  • Chp.05 > Writing Business Messages
  • Chp.07 > Crafting Messages for Electronic Media
  • Chp.09 > Writing Negative Messages
  • Chp.11 > Planning Reports and Proposals
  • Chp.13 > Completing Reports and Proposals
  • Chp.15 > Building Careers and Writing Résumés


John R. Schermerhorn
12th Edition
(c) 2013
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introducing Management
  • Chp.03 > Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • Chp.05 > Global Management and Cultural Diversity
  • Chp.07 > Information and Decision Making
  • Chp.09 > Control Processes and Systems
  • Chp.11 > Organization Structures and Design
  • Chp.13 > Human Resource Management
  • Chp.15 > Individual Behavior
  • Chp.17 > Teams and Teamwork

Quantitative Methods for Business
David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
12th Edition
(c) 2013
South-Western Cengage Learning

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Probability Distributions
  • Chp.05 > Utility and Game Theory
  • Chp.07 > Introduction to Linear Programming
  • Chp.09 > Linear Programming Applications in Marketing, Finance, and Operations Management
  • Chp.11 > Integer Linear Programming
  • Chp.13 > Project Scheduling: PERT/CPM
  • Chp.15 > Waiting Line Models
  • Chp.17 > Markov Processes


Organizational Behavior
John R. Schermerhorn, Richard N. Osborn, Mary Uhl-Bien, James G. Hunt
12th Edition
(c) 2012
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introducing Organizational Behavior
  • Chp.03 > Emotions, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction
  • Chp.05 > Motivation Theories
  • Chp.07 > Teams in Organizations
  • Chp.09 > Decision Making and Creativity
  • Chp.11 > Communication and Collaboration
  • Chp.13 > Leadership Essentials
  • Chp.15 > Organizational Culture and Innovation
  • Chp.17 > Strategy, Technology, and Organizational Design


Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice
Michael Armstrong, Stephen Taylor
13th Edition
(c) 2014
Kogan Page

  • Chp.01 > The Essence of Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Chp.03 > Delivering HRM - Systems and Roles
  • Chp.05 > Human Capital Management
  • Chp.07 > Competency-based HRM
  • Chp.09 > Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Chp.11 > Work, Organization and Job Design
  • Chp.13 > Motivation
  • Chp.15 > Employee Engagement
  • Chp.17 > Workforce Planning
  • Chp.19 > Resourcing Practice
  • Chp.21 > Strategic Learning and Development
  • Chp.23 > The Practice of Learning and Development
  • Chp.25 > Performance Management
  • Chp.27 > The Practice of Reward Management
  • Chp.29 > Strategic Employee Relations
  • Chp.31 > The Psychological Contract
  • Chp.33 > Employee Voice
  • Chp.35 > The Practice of Employee Well-being
  • Chp.37 > The International HRM Framework
  • Chp.39 > Managing Expatriates
  • Chp.41 > HR Procedures
  • Chp.43 > Employment Law
  • Chp.45 > Business Skills
  • Chp.47 > Analytical and Critical Skills
  • Chp.49 > Statistical Skills
  • Chp.51 > Job, Role and Skills Analysis and Competency Modelling
  • Chp.53 > Negotiating Skills
  • Chp.55 > Leadership Skills
  • Chp.57 > Handling People Problems
  • Chp.59 > Political Skills
  • Chp.61 > Human Capital Management Toolkit
  • Chp.63 > Organization Development Toolkit
  • Chp.65 > Workforce Planning Toolkit
  • Chp.67 > Planning and Delivering Learning Events Toolkit
  • Chp 69 > Strategic Reward Toolkit
  • Chp.71 > Job Evaluation Toolkit
  • Chp.73 > Attitude Surveys Toolkit


Business Law Today
Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz
8th Comprehensive Edition
(c) 2010
South-Western Cengage Learning

  • Chp.01 > The Legal Environment
  • Chp.03 > Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Chp.05 > Intellectual Property and Internet Law
  • Chp.07 > Ethics and Business Decision Making
  • Chp.09 > Agreement
  • Chp.11 > Capacity and Legality
  • Chp.13 > The Statute of Frauds
  • Chp.15 > Breach and Remedies
  • Chp.17 > E-Contracts and E-Signatures
  • Chp.19 > Title and Risk of Loss
  • Chp.21 > Warranties and Product Liability
  • Chp.23 > Rights and Liabilities of Parties
  • Chp.25 > Security Interests in Personal Property
  • Chp.27 > Bankruptcy
  • Chp.29 > Sole Proprietorships and Franchises
  • Chp.31 > Limited Liability Companies and Special Business Forms
  • Chp.33 > Corporate Directors, Officers, and Shareholders
  • Chp.35 > Investor Protection, Insider Trading, and Corporate Governance
  • Chp.37 > Antitrust Law
  • Chp.39 > Environmental Law
  • Chp.41 > Employment Discrimination
  • Chp.43 > Personal Property and Bailments
  • Chp.45 > Insurance, Wills, and Trusts

International Business Law and Its Environment
Richard Schaffer, Filiberto Agusti, Beverley Earle
7th Edition
(c) 2009
South-Western Cengage Learning

  • Chp.01 > Introduction to International Business
  • Chp.03 > Resolving International Commercial Disputes
  • Chp.05 > The Documentary Sale and Terms of Trade
  • Chp.07 > Bank Collections, Trade Finance, and Letters of Credit
  • Chp.09 > GATT Law and the World Trade Organization: Basic Principles
  • Chp.11 > Regulating Import Competition and Unfair Trade
  • Chp.13 > The Regulation of Exports
  • Chp.15 > The European Union and Other Regional Trade Areas
  • Chp.17 > Licensing Agreements and the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Chp.19 > Nationalization, Expropriation, and Privatization
  • Chp.21 > Environmental Law


International Relations and World Politics
Paul R. Viotti, Mark V. Kauppi
5th Edition
(c) 2013
Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > Engaging International Relations and World Politics
  • Chp.03 > History
  • Chp.05 > Globalization
  • Chp.07 > Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
  • Chp.09 > Interstate Conflict
  • Chp.11 > Trade and Money
  • Chp.13 > Human Rights


Principles of Marketing
Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
14th Edition
(c) 2012
Prentice Hall Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > Marketing: Creating and Capturing Customer Value
  • Chp.03 > Analyzing the Marketing Environment
  • Chp.05 > Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior
  • Chp.07 > Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers
  • Chp.09 > New Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies
  • Chp.11 > Pricing Strategies
  • Chp.13 > Retailing and Wholesaling
  • Chp.15 > Advertising and Public Relations
  • Chp.17 > Direct and Online Marketing: Building Direct Customer Relationships
  • Chp.19 > The Global Marketplace


Principles of Economics
N. Gregory Mankiw
8th Edition
(c) 2018
Cengage Learning

  • Chp.01 > Ten Principles of Economics
  • Chp.03 > Interdependence and the Gains from Trade
  • Chp.05 > Elasticity and Its Application
  • Chp.07 > Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets
  • Chp.09 > Application: International Trade
  • Chp.11 > Public Goods and Common Resources
  • Chp.13 > The Costs of Production
  • Chp.15 > Monopoly
  • Chp.17 > Oligopoly
  • Chp.19 > Earnings and Discrimination
  • Chp.21 > The Theory of Consumer Choice
  • Chp.23 > Measuring a Nation's Income
  • Chp.25 > Production and Growth
  • Chp.27 > The Basic Tools of Finance
  • Chp.29 > The Monetary System
  • Chp.31 > Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts
  • Chp.33 > Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
  • Chp.35 > The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment

Economics for Investment Decision Makers: Micro, Macro, and International Economics
Christopher D. Piros, Jerald E. Pinto
(c) 2013
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Demand and Supply Analysis: Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Demand and Supply Analysis: The Firm
  • Chp.05 > Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
  • Chp.07 > Monetary and Fiscal Policy
  • Chp.09 > Currency Exchange Rates
  • Chp.11 > Economic Growth and the Investment Decision

Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice
James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Russell S. Sobel, David A. Macpherson
13th Edition
(c) 2011
South-Western Cengage Learning

  • Chp.01 > The Economic Approach
  • Chp.03 > Supply, Demand, and the Market Process
  • Chp.05 > Difficult Cases for the Market, and the Role of Government
  • Chp.07 > Taking the Nation's Economic Pulse
  • Chp.09 > An Introduction to Basic Macroeconomic Markets
  • Chp.11 > Fiscal Policy: The Keynesian View and Historical Perspective
  • Chp.13 > Money and the Banking System
  • Chp.15 > Stabilization Policy, Output, and Employment
  • Chp.17 > Institutions, Policies, and Cross-Country Differences in Income and Growth
  • Chp.19 > International Finance and the Foreign Exchange Market
  • ST.2 > The Internet: How Is It Changing the Economy?
  • ST.4 > The Stock Market: Its Function, Performance, and Potential as an Investment Opportunity
  • ST.6 > Lessons from the Great Depression
  • ST.8 > The Federal Budget and the National Debt

N. Gregory Mankiw
9th Edition
(c) 2016
Worth Publishers

  • Chp.01 > The Science of Macroeconomics
  • Chp.03 > National Income: Where It Comes From and Where It Goes
  • Chp.05 > Inflation: Its Causes, Effects, and Social Costs
  • Chp.07 > Unemployment and the Labor Market
  • Chp.09 > Economic Growth II: Technology, Empirics, and Policy
  • Chp.11 > Aggregate Demand I: Building the IS-LM Model
  • Chp.13 > The Open Economy Revisited: The Mundell-Fleming Model and the Exchange-Rate Regime
  • Chp.15 > A Dynamic Model of Economic Fluctuations
  • Chp.17 > The Theory of Investment
  • Chp.19 > Government Debt and Budget Deficits
  • Epilogue > What We Know, What We Don't

Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice
Frederic S. Mishkin
2nd Edition
(c) 2015
Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > The Policy and Practice of Macroeconomics
  • Chp.03 > Aggregate Production and Productivity
  • Chp.05 > Money and Inflation
  • Chp.07 > Drivers of Growth: Technology, Policy, and Institutions
  • Chp.09 > The IS Curve
  • Chp.11 > Aggregate Supply and the Phillips Curve
  • Chp.13 > Macroeconomic Policy and Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis
  • Chp.15 > Financial Crises and the Economy
  • Chp.17 > Exchange Rates and International Economic Policy
  • Chp.19 > Investment
  • Chp.21 > The Role of Expectations in Macroeconomic Policy
  • Epilogue > Policy and Practice: Where Do Macroeconomists Agree and Disagree?

Macroeconomic Policy: Demystifying Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Farrokh K. Langdana
3rd Edition
(c) 2016

  • Chp.01 > Introduction and Overview of the Third Edition
  • Chp.03 > Budget Deficits, Trade Deficits, and Global Capital Flows: The National Savings Identity
  • Chp.05 > Demand-Side Stabilization: Overheating, Hard Landing, and SAP Bubbles
  • Chp.07 > ISLM: The Engine Room
  • Chp.09 > The Keynesian Model
  • Chp.11 > Central Banks and Monetary Policy

Microeconomics: Private and Public Choice
James D. Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Russell S. Sobel, David A. Macpherson
13th Edition
(c) 2011
South-Western Cengage Learning

  • Chp.01 > The Economic Approach
  • Chp.03 > Supply, Demand, and the Market Process
  • Chp.05 > Difficult Cases for the Market, and the Role of Government
  • Chp.07 > Consumer Choice and Elasticity
  • Chp.09 > Price Takers and the Competitive Process
  • Chp.11 > Price-Searcher Markets with High Entry Barriers
  • Chp.13 > Earnings, Productivity, and the Job Market
  • Chp.15 > Income Inequality and Poverty
  • ST.01 > Government Spending and Taxation
  • ST.03 > The Economics of Social Security
  • ST.05 > The Crisis of 2008: Causes and Lessons for the Future
  • ST.07 > The Economics of Health Care
  • ST.09 > Earnings Differences between Men and Women
  • ST.11 > Are We Running Out of Resources?

Managerial Economics and Business Strategy
Michael R. Baye, Jeffrey T. Prince
8th Edition
(c) 2014

  • Chp.01 > The Fundamentals of Managerial Economics
  • Chp.03 > Quantitative Demand Analysis
  • Chp.05 > The Production Process and Costs
  • Chp.07 > The Nature of Industry
  • Chp.09 > Basic Oligopoly Models
  • Chp.11 > Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power
  • Chp.13 > Advanced Topics in Business Strategy


Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts
Thomas P. Edmonds, Bor-Yi Tsay, Philip R. Olds
6th Edition
(c) 2011

  • Chp.01 > Management Accounting and Corporate Governance
  • Chp.03 > Analysis of Cost, Volume, and Pricing to Increase Profitability
  • Chp.05 > Cost Management in an Automated Business Environment: ABC, ABM, and TQM
  • Chp.07 > Planning for Profit and Cost Control
  • Chp.09 > Responsibility Accounting
  • Chp.11 > Product Costing in Service and Manufacturing Entities
  • Chp.13 > Financial Statement Analysis

Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis
Edward J. Blocher, David E. Stout, Gary Cokins
5th Edition
(c) 2010

  • Chp.01 > Cost Management and Strategy
  • Chp.03 > Basic Cost Management Concepts
  • Chp.05 > Activity-Based Costing and Customer Profitability Analysis
  • Chp.07 > Cost Allocation: Departments, Joint Products, and By-Products
  • Chp.09 > Profit Planning: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
  • Chp.11 > Decision Making with a Strategic Emphasis
  • Chp.13 > Cost Planning for the Product Life Cycle: Target Costing, Theory of Constraints, and Strategic Pricing
  • Chp.15 > Operational Performance Measurement: Indirect-Cost Variances and Resource-Capacity Management
  • Chp.17 > The Management and Control of Quality
  • Chp.19 > Strategic Performance Measurement: Investment Centers


Financial Accounting
Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso
9th Edition
(c) 2014
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Accounting in Action
  • Chp.03 > Adjusting the Accounts
  • Chp.05 > Accounting for Merchandising Operations
  • Chp.07 > Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash
  • Chp.09 > Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangible Assets
  • Chp.11 > Corporations: Organization, Stock Transactions, Dividends, and Retained Earnings
  • Chp.13 > Statement of Cash Flows

Intermediate Accounting
J. David Spiceland, James F. Sepe, Mark W. Nelson, Wayne B. Thomas
8th Edition
(c) 2016
McGraw-Hill Education

  • Chp.01 > Environment and Theoretical Structure of Financial Accounting
  • Chp.03 > The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures
  • Chp.05 > Revenue Recognition and Profitability Analysis
  • Chp.07 > Cash and Receivables
  • Chp.09 > Inventories: Additional Issues
  • Chp.11 > Property, Plant, and Equipment and Intangible Assets: Utilization and Impairment
  • Chp.13 > Current Liabilities and Contingencies
  • Chp.15 > Leases
  • Chp.17 > Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits
  • Chp.19 > Share-Based Compensation and Earnings Per Share
  • Chp.21 > The Statement of Cash Flows Revisited

Advanced Accounting
Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus, Kenneth A. Smith
11th Edition
(c) 2012
Prentice Hall Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > Business Combinations
  • Chp.03 > An Introduction to Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Chp.05 > Intercompany Profit Transactions - Inventories
  • Chp.07 > Intercompany Profit Transactions - Bonds
  • Chp.09 > Indirect and Mutual Holdings
  • Chp.11 > Consolidation Theories, Push-Down Accounting, and Corporate Joint Ventures
  • Chp.13 > Accounting for Derivatives and Hedging Activities
  • Chp.15 > Segment and Interim Financial Reporting
  • Chp.17 > Partnership Liquidation
  • Chp.19 > An Introduction to Accounting for State and Local Governmental Units
  • Chp.21 > Accounting for State and Local Governmental Units - Proprietary and Fiduciary Funds
  • Chp.23 > Estates and Trusts

International Financial Statement Analysis
Thomas R. Robinson, Elaine Henry, Wendy L. Pirie, Michael A. Broihahn
3rd Edition
(c) 2015
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Financial Reporting Standards
  • Chp.05 > Understanding Balance Sheets
  • Chp.07 > Financial Analysis Techniques
  • Chp.09 > Long-Lived Assets
  • Chp.11 > Financial Reporting Quality
  • Chp.13 > Income Taxes
  • Chp.15 > Intercorporate Investments
  • Chp.17 > Evaluating Quality of Financial Reports


Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach
Alvin A. Arens, Randal J. Elder, Mark S. Beasley
15th Edition
(c) 2014
Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > The Demand for Audit and Other Assurance Services
  • Chp.03 > Audit Reports
  • Chp.05 > Legal Liability
  • Chp.07 > Audit Evidence
  • Chp.09 > Materiality and Risk
  • Chp.11 > Fraud Auditing
  • Chp.13 > Overall Audit Strategy and Audit Program
  • Chp.15 > Audit Sampling for Tests of Controls and Substantive Tests of Transactions
  • Chp.17 > Audit Sampling for Tests of Details of Balances
  • Chp.19 > Completing the Tests in the Acquisition and Payment Cycle: Verification of Selected Accounts
  • Chp.21 > Audit of the Inventory and Warehousing Cycle
  • Chp.23 > Audit of Cash and Financial Instruments
  • Chp.25 > Other Assurance Services


Fundamentals of Financial Management
James C. Van Horne, John M. Wachowicz
13th Edition
(c) 2009
Prentice Hall Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > The Role of Financial Management
  • Chp.03 > The Time Value of Money
  • Chp.05 > Risk and Return
  • Chp.07 > Funds Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning
  • Chp.09 > Cash and Marketable Securities Management
  • Chp.11 > Short-Term Financing
  • Chp.13 > Capital Budgeting Techniques
  • Chp.15 > Required Returns and the Cost of Capital
  • Chp.17 > Capital Structure Determination
  • Chp.19 > The Capital Market
  • Chp.21 > Term Loans and Leases
  • Chp.23 > Mergers and Other Forms of Corporate Restructuring

Financial Management: Theory and Practice
Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt
14th Edition
(c) 2014
South-Western Cengage Learning

  • Chp.01 > An Overview of Financial Management and the Financial Environment
  • Chp.03 > Analysis of Financial Statements
  • Chp.05 > Bond, Bond Valuation, and Interest Rates
  • Chp.07 > Valuation of Stocks and Corporations
  • Chp.09 > The Cost of Capital
  • Chp.11 > Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis
  • Chp.13 > Agency Conflicts and Corporate Governance
  • Chp.15 > Capital Structure Decisions
  • Chp.17 > Multinational Financial Management
  • Chp.19 > Lease Financing
  • Chp.21 > Dynamic Capital Structures
  • Chp.23 > Enterprise Risk Management
  • Chp.25 > Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models
  • (+)Chp.27 > Providing and Obtaining Credit
  • (+)Chp.29 > Pension Plan Management

Corporate Finance: A Practical Approach
Michelle R. Clayman, Martin S. Fridson, George H. Troughton
2nd Edition
(c) 2012
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Corporate Governance
  • Chp.03 > Cost of Capital
  • Chp.05 > Capital Structure
  • Chp.07 > Dividends and Share Repurchases: Analysis
  • Chp.09 > Financial Statement Analysis


Finance of International Trade
Eric Bishop
(c) 2004
Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann

  • Chp.01 > Principal players
  • Chp.03 > Bills for collection
  • Chp.05 > Guarantees
  • Chp.07 > Foreign exchange risk
  • Chp.09 > Financing
  • Chp.11 > Electronic commerce for international trade settlement


The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets
Frederic S. Mishkin
10th Edition
(c) 2013
Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > Why Study Money, Banking, and Financial Markets?
  • Chp.03 > What Is Money?
  • Chp.05 > The Behavior of Interest Rates
  • Chp.07 > The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis
  • Chp.09 > Financial Crises
  • Chp.11 > Economic Analysis of Financial Regulation
  • Chp.13 > Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System
  • Chp.15 > Tools of Monetary Policy
  • Chp.17 > The Foreign Exchange Market
  • Chp.19 > Quantity Theory, Inflation, and the Demand for Money
  • Chp.21 > The Monetary Policy and Aggregate Demand Curves
  • Chp.23 > Monetary Policy Theory
  • Chp.25 > Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy
  • (+)Chp.1 > Nonbank Finance
  • (+)Chp.3 > Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Industry

Bank Management & Financial Services
Peter S. Rose, Sylvia C. Hudgins
7th International Edition
(c) 2008

  • Chp.01 > An Overview of Banks and the Financial-Services Sector
  • Chp.03 > The Organization and Structure of Banking and the Financial-Services Industry
  • Chp.05 > The Financial Statements of Banks and Their Principal Competitors
  • Chp.07 > Asset-Liability Management: Determining and Measuring Interest Rates and Controlling Interest-Sensitive and Duration Gaps
  • Chp.09 > Risk Management Using Asset-Backed Securities, Loan Sales, Credit Standbys, and Credit Derivatives
  • Chp.11 > Liquidity and Reserve Management: Strategies and Policies
  • Chp.13 > Managing Nondeposit Liabilities and Other Sources of Borrowed Funds
  • Chp.15 > The Management of Capital
  • Chp.17 > Lending to Business Firms and Pricing Business Loans
  • Chp.19 > Acquisitions and Mergers in Financial-Services Management


William F. Sharpe, Gordon J. Alexander, Jeffery V. Bailey
6th Edition
(c) 1999
Prentice Hall

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Security Markets
  • Chp.05 > The Valuation of Riskless Securities
  • Chp.07 > Portfolio Analysis
  • Chp.09 > The Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Chp.11 > Arbitrage Pricing Theory
  • Chp.13 > Fixed-Income Securities
  • Chp.15 > Bond Portfolio Management
  • Chp.17 > The Valuation of Common Stocks
  • Chp.19 > Options
  • Chp.21 > Investment Companies
  • Chp.23 > Investment Management
  • Chp.25 > International Investing

Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus
10th Edition
(c) 2014
McGraw-Hill Education

  • Chp.01 > The Investment Environment
  • Chp.03 > How Securities Are Traded
  • Chp.05 > Risk, Return, and the Historical Record
  • Chp.07 > Optimal Risky Portfolios
  • Chp.09 > The Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Chp.11 > The Efficient Market Hypothesis
  • Chp.13 > Empirical Evidence on Security Returns
  • Chp.15 > The Term Structure of Interest Rates
  • Chp.17 > Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis
  • Chp.19 > Financial Statement Analysis
  • Chp.21 > Option Valuation
  • Chp.23 > Futures, Swaps, and Risk Management
  • Chp.25 > International Diversification
  • Chp.27 > The Theory of Active Portfolio Management

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Frank K. Reilly, Keith C. Brown
10th Edition
(c) 2012
South-Western Cengage Learning

  • Chp.01 > The Investment Setting
  • Chp.03 > Selecting Investments in a Global Market
  • Chp.05 > Security-Market Indexes
  • Chp.07 > An Introduction to Portfolio Management
  • Chp.09 > Multifactor Models of Risk and Return
  • Chp.11 > An Introduction to Security Valuation
  • Chp.13 > Industry Analysis
  • Chp.15 > Technical Analysis
  • Chp.17 > Bond Fundamentals
  • Chp.19 > Bond Portfolio Management Strategies
  • Chp.21 > Forward and Futures Contracts
  • Chp.23 > Swap Contracts, Convertible Securities, and Other Embedded Derivatives
  • Chp.25 > Evaluation of Portfolio Performance

Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis
Edwin J. Elton, Martin J. Gruber, Stephen J. Brown, William N. Goetzmann
9th Edition
(c) 2014
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Financial Markets
  • Chp.05 > Delineating Efficient Portfolios
  • Chp.07 > The Correlation Structure of Security Returns - The Single-Index Model
  • Chp.09 > Simple Techniques for Determining the Efficient Frontier
  • Chp.11 > How to Select among the Portfolios in the Opportunity Set
  • Chp.13 > The Standard Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Chp.15 > Empirical Tests of Equilibrium Models
  • Chp.17 > Efficient Markets
  • Chp.19 > Earnings Estimation
  • Chp.21 > Interest Rate Theory and the Pricing of Bonds
  • Chp.23 > Option Pricing Theory
  • Chp.25 > Mutual Funds
  • Chp.27 > Evaluation of Security Analysis

Quantitative Investment Analysis
Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, David E. Runkle
2nd Edition
(c) 2007
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > The Time Value of Money
  • Chp.03 > Statistical Concepts and Market Returns
  • Chp.05 > Common Probability Distributions
  • Chp.07 > Hypothesis Testing
  • Chp.09 > Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression Analysis
  • Chp.11 > Portfolio Concepts

Investments: Principles of Portfolio and Equity Analysis
Michael G. McMillan, Jerald E. Pinto, Wendy L. Pirie, Gerhard Van de Venter
(c) 2011
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Market Organization and Structure
  • Chp.03 > Market Efficiency
  • Chp.05 > Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I
  • Chp.07 > Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction
  • Chp.09 > Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis
  • Chp.11 > Equity Market Valuation

Managing Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process
John L. Maginn, Donald L. Tuttle, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto
3rd Edition
(c) 2007
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > The Portfolio Management Process and the Investment Policy Statement
  • Chp.03 > Managing Institutional Investor Portfolios
  • Chp.05 > Asset Allocation
  • Chp.07 > Equity Portfolio Management
  • Chp.09 > Risk Management
  • Chp.11 > Monitoring and Rebalancing
  • Chp.13 > Global Investment Performance Standards

International Investments
Bruno Solnik, Dennis McLeavey
5th Edition
(c) 2004
Addison Wesley Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > Foreign Exchange
  • Chp.03 > Foreign Exchange Determination and Forecasting
  • Chp.05 > Equity: Markets and Instruments
  • Chp.07 > Global Bond Investing
  • Chp.09 > The Case for International Diversification
  • Chp.11 > Currency Risk Management
  • Chp.13 > Structuring the Global Investment Process


Fixed Income Analysis
Frank J. Fabozzi
2nd Edition
(c) 2007
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Features of Debt Securities
  • Chp.03 > Overview of Bond Sectors and Instruments
  • Chp.05 > Introduction to the Valuation of Debt Securities
  • Chp.07 > Introduction to the Measurement of Interest Rate Risk
  • Chp.09 > Valuing Bonds with Embedded Options
  • Chp.11 > Asset-Backed Sector of the Bond Market
  • Chp.13 > Interest Rate Derivative Instruments
  • Chp.15 > General Principles of Credit Analysis
  • Chp.17 > Measuring a Portfolio's Risk Profile
  • Chp.19 > Portfolio Immunization and Cash Flow Matching
  • Chp.21 > International Bond Portfolio Management
  • Chp.23 > Hedging Mortgage Securities to Capture Relative Value

Fixed Income Analysis
Barbara S. Petitt, Jerald E. Pinto, Wendy L. Pirie
3rd Edition
(c) 2015
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements
  • Chp.03 > Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
  • Chp.05 > Fundamentals of Credit Analysis
  • Chp.07 > Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
  • Chp.09 > Valuation and Analysis: Bonds with Embedded Options
  • Chp.11 > Fixed-Income Portfolio Management - Part I
  • Chp.13 > Relative-Value Methodologies for Global Credit Bond Portfolio Management

   << EQUITY

Equity Asset Valuation
Jerald E. Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas R. Robinson, John D. Stowe
3rd Edition
(c) 2015
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.1 > Equity Valuation: Applications and Processes
  • Chp.3 > Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis
  • Chp.5 > Discounted Dividend Valuation
  • Chp.7 > Market-Based Valuation: Price and Enterprise Value Multiples
  • Chp.9 > Private Company Valuation


Real Estate Finance and Investments
William B. Brueggeman, Jeffrey D. Fisher
14th Edition
(c) 2011

  • Chp.01 > Real Estate Investment: Basic Legal Concepts
  • Chp.03 > Mortgage Loan Foundations: The Time Value of Money
  • Chp.05 > Adjustable and Floating Rate Mortgage Loans
  • Chp.07 > Single Family Housing: Pricing, Investment, and Tax Considerations
  • Chp.09 > Income-Producing Properties: Leases, Rents, and the Market for Space
  • Chp.11 > Investment Analysis and Taxation of Income Properties
  • Chp.13 > Risk Analysis
  • Chp.15 > Financing Corporate Real Estate
  • Chp.17 > Financing Land Development Projects
  • Chp.19 > The Secondary Mortgage Market: Pass-Through Securities
  • Chp.21 > Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)


Wendy L. Pirie
(c) 2017
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.1 > Derivative Markets and Instruments
  • Chp.3 > Pricing and Valuation of Forward Commitments
  • Chp.5 > Derivatives Strategies
  • Chp.7 > Risk Management Applications of Forward and Futures Strategies
  • Chp.9 > Risk Management Applications of Swap Strategies

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives
John C. Hull
9th Edition
(c) 2015
Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Hedging Strategies Using Futures
  • Chp.05 > Determination of Forward and Futures Prices
  • Chp.07 > Swaps
  • Chp.09 > OIS Discounting, Credit Issues, and Funding Costs
  • Chp.11 > Properties of Stock Options
  • Chp.13 > Binomial Trees
  • Chp.15 > The Black-Scholes-Merton Model
  • Chp.17 > Options on Stock Indices and Currencies
  • Chp.19 > The Greek Letters
  • Chp.21 > Basic Numerical Procedures
  • Chp.23 > Estimating Volatilities and Correlations
  • Chp.25 > Credit Derivatives
  • Chp.27 > More on Models and Numerical Procedures
  • Chp.29 > Interest Rate Derivatives: The Standard Market Models
  • Chp.31 > Interest Rate Derivatives: Models of the Short Rate
  • Chp.33 > Swaps Revisited
  • Chp.35 > Real Options

Derivatives Markets
Robert L. McDonald
3rd Edition
(c) 2013
Pearson Education

  • Chp.01 > Introduction to Derivatives
  • Chp.03 > Insurance, Collars, and Other Strategies
  • Chp.05 > Financial Forwards and Futures
  • Chp.07 > Interest Rate Forwards and Futures
  • Chp.09 > Parity and Other Option Relationships
  • Chp.11 > Binomial Option Pricing: Selected Topics
  • Chp.13 > Market-Making and Delta-Hedging
  • Chp.15 > Financial Engineering and Security Design
  • Chp.17 > Real Options
  • Chp.19 > Monte Carlo Valuation
  • Chp.21 > The Black-Scholes-Merton Equation
  • Chp.23 > Exotic Options: II
  • Chp.25 > Interest Rate and Bond Derivatives
  • Chp.27 > Credit Risk


Financial Risk Manager Handbook Plus Test Bank: FRM Part I/Part II
Philippe Jorion
6th Edition
(c) 2011
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Risk Management
  • Chp.03 > Fundamentals of Statistics
  • Chp.05 > Modeling Risk Factors
  • Chp.07 > Introduction to Derivatives
  • Chp.09 > Fixed-Income Securities
  • Chp.11 > Equity, Currency, and Commodity Markets
  • Chp.13 > Managing Linear Risk
  • Chp.15 > Advanced Risk Models: Univariate
  • Chp.17 > Managing Volatility Risk
  • Chp.19 > Introduction to Credit Risk
  • Chp.21 > Measuring Default Risk from Market Prices
  • Chp.23 > Credit Derivatives and Structured Products
  • Chp.25 > Operational Risk
  • Chp.27 > Firmwide Risk Management
  • Chp.29 > Portfolio Risk Management

Risk Management and Financial Institutions
John C. Hull
4th Edition
(c) 2015
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Insurance Companies and Pension Plans
  • Chp.05 > Trading in Financial Markets
  • Chp.07 > Valuation and Scenario Analysis: The Risk-Neutral and Real Worlds
  • Chp.09 > Interest Rate Risk
  • Chp.11 > Correlations and Copulas
  • Chp.13 > Historical Simulation and Extreme Value Theory
  • Chp.15 > Basel I, Basel II, and Solvency II
  • Chp.17 > Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
  • Chp.19 > Estimating Default Probabilities
  • Chp.21 > Credit Value at Risk
  • Chp.23 > Operational Risk
  • Chp.25 > Model Risk
  • Chp.27 > Enterprise Risk Management
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