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Book Topics:


Financial Modeling Using Excel and VBA
Chandan Sengupta
(c) 2004
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction to Financial Modeling
  • Chp.03 > Advanced Excel Features
  • Chp.05 > How to Build Good Excel Models
  • Chp.07 > Time Value of Money
  • Chp.09 > Analyzing Market History
  • Chp.11 > Simulating Stock Prices
  • Chp.13 > Binomial Option Pricing
  • Chp.15 > VBA Essentials
  • Chp.17 > Debugging VBA Models
  • Chp.19 > Time Value of Money
  • Chp.21 > Analyzing Market History
  • Chp.23 > Options and Option Portfolios

Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA
Mary Jackson, Mike Staunton
(c) 2001
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Introduction to VBA
  • Chp.05 > Introduction to Equities
  • Chp.07 > Asset Pricing
  • Chp.09 > Introduction to Options on Equities
  • Chp.11 > The Black-Scholes Formula
  • Chp.13 > Non-normal Distributions and Implied Volatility
  • Chp.15 > Interest Rate Models


Portfolio Construction and Analytics
Dessislava A. Pachamanova, Frank J. Fabozzi
(c) 2016
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction to Portfolio Management and Analytics
  • Chp.03 > Important Probability Distributions
  • Chp.05 > Simulation Modeling
  • Chp.07 > Optimization under Uncertainty
  • Chp.09 > Factor Models
  • Chp.11 > Advances in Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management
  • Chp.13 > Fundamentals of Fixed Income Portfolio Management
  • Chp.15 > Constructing Liability-Driven Portfolios
  • Chp.17 > Using Derivatives in Equity Portfolio Management

The Basics of Financial Econometrics: Tools, Concepts, and Asset Management Applications
Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio M. Focardi, Svetlozar T. Rachev, Bala G. Arshanapalli
(c) 2014
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Multiple Linear Regression
  • Chp.05 > Introduction to Time Series Analysis
  • Chp.07 > Quantile Regressions
  • Chp.09 > Autoregressive Moving Average Models
  • Chp.11 > Autoregressive Heteroscedasticity Model and Its Variants
  • Chp.13 > Model Estimation
  • Chp.15 > Formulating and Implementing Investment Strategies Using Financial Econometrics

Mathematical Methods for Finance: Tools for Asset and Risk Management
Sergio M. Focardi, Frank J. Fabozzi, Turan G. Bali
(c) 2013
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Basic Concepts: Sets, Functions, and Variables
  • Chp.03 > Integral Calculus
  • Chp.05 > Probability: Basic Concepts
  • Chp.07 > Optimization
  • Chp.09 > Differential Equations
  • Chp.11 > Stochastic Differential Equations

Financial Models with Lévy Processes and Volatility Clustering
Svetlozar T. Rachev, Young Shin Kim, Michele Leonardo Bianchi, Frank J. Fabozzi
(c) 2011
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Stable and Tempered Stable Distributions
  • Chp.05 > Conditional Expectation and Change of Measure
  • Chp.07 > Option Pricing in Exponential Lévy Models
  • Chp.09 > Multi-Tail t-Distribution
  • Chp.11 > Normal GARCH Models
  • Chp.13 > Infinitely Divisible GARCH Models
  • Chp.15 > American Option Pricing with Monte Carlo Methods

Probability and Statistics for Finance
Svetlozar T. Rachev, Markus Höchstötter, Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio M. Focardi
(c) 2010
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Measures of Location and Spread
  • Chp.05 > Multivariate Variables and Distributions
  • Chp.07 > Introduction to Time Series Analysis
  • Chp.09 > Discrete Probability Distributions
  • Chp.11 > Continuous Probability Distributions with Appealing Statistical Properties
  • Chp.13 > Parameters of Location and Scale of Random Variables
  • Chp.15 > Conditional Probability and Bayes' Rule
  • Chp.17 > Point Estimators
  • Chp.19 > Hypothesis Testing
  • Chp.21 > Designing and Building a Multivariate Linear Regression Model

Advanced Stochastic Models, Risk Assessment, and Portfolio Optimization: The Ideal Risk, Uncertainty, and Performance Measures
Svetlozar T. Rachev, Stoyan V. Stoyanov, Frank J. Fabozzi
(c) 2008
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Concepts of Probability
  • Chp.03 > Probability Metrics
  • Chp.05 > Choice under Uncertainty
  • Chp.07 > Average Value-at-Risk
  • Chp.09 > Benchmark Tracking Problems

Bayesian Methods in Finance
Svetlozar T. Rachev, John S. J. Hsu, Biliana S. Bagasheva, Frank J. Fabozzi
(c) 2008
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Prior and Posterior Information, Predictive Inference
  • Chp.05 > Bayesian Numerical Computation
  • Chp.07 > Prior Beliefs and Asset Pricing Models
  • Chp.09 > Market Efficiency and Return Predictability
  • Chp.11 > Bayesian Estimation of ARCH-Type Volatility Models
  • Chp.13 > Advanced Techniques for Bayesian Portfolio Selection

Robust Portfolio Optimization and Management
Frank J. Fabozzi, Petter N. Kolm, Dessislava A. Pachamanova, Sergio M. Focardi
(c) 2007
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Advances in the Theory of Portfolio Risk Measures
  • Chp.05 > Classical Asset Pricing
  • Chp.07 > Robust Estimation
  • Chp.09 > Mathematical and Numerical Optimization
  • Chp.11 > Implementing and Solving Optimization Problems in Practice
  • Chp.13 > The Practice of Robust Portfolio Management: Recent Trends and New Directions

Fat-Tailed and Skewed Asset Return Distributions: Implications for Risk Management, Portfolio Selection, and Option Pricing
Svetlozar T. Rachev, Christian Menn, Frank J. Fabozzi
(c) 2005
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Continuous Probability Distributions
  • Chp.05 > Joint Probability Distributions
  • Chp.07 > Stable Distributions
  • Chp.09 > Stochastic Processes in Discrete Time and Time Series Analysis
  • Chp.11 > Equity and Bond Return Distributions
  • Chp 13 > Risk Measures in Portfolio Optimization and Performance Measures
  • Chp.15 > Credit Risk
  • Chp.17 > Introduction to Option Pricing and the Binomial Model
  • Chp.19 > Extension of the Black-Scholes Model and Alternative Approaches

The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management
Sergio M. Focardi, Frank J. Fabozzi
(c) 2004
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > From Art to Engineering in Finance
  • Chp.03 > Milestones in Financial Modeling and Investment Management
  • Chp.05 > Matrix Algebra
  • Chp.07 > Optimization
  • Chp.09 > Differential Equations and Difference Equations
  • Chp.11 > Financial Econometrics: Time Series Concepts, Representations, and Models
  • Chp.13 > Fat Tails, Scaling, and Stable Laws
  • Chp.15 > Arbitrage Pricing: Continuous-State, Continuous-Time Models
  • Chp.17 > Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Chp.19 > Equity Portfolio Management
  • Chp.21 > Bond Portfolio Management
  • Chp.23 > Risk Management

   << EQUITY

Quantitative Equity Investing: Techniques and Strategies
Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio M. Focardi, Petter N. Kolm
(c) 2010
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Introduction
  • Chp.03 > Financial Econometrics II: Time Series
  • Chp.05 > Factor Models and Their Estimation
  • Chp.07 > Factor-Based Trading Strategies II: Cross-Sectional Models and Trading Strategies
  • Chp.09 > Portfolio Optimization: Bayesian Techniques and the Black-Litterman Model
  • Chp.11 > Transaction Costs and Trade Execution


Mathematics and Statistics for Financial Risk Management
Michael B. Miller
2nd Edition
(c) 2014
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Some Basic Math
  • Chp.03 > Basic Statistics
  • Chp.05 > Multivariate Distributions and Copulas
  • Chp.07 > Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals
  • Chp.09 > Vector Spaces
  • Chp.11 > Time Series Models

Value at Risk: The New Benchmark for Managing Financial Risk
Philippe Jorion
3rd Edition
(c) 2007

  • Chp.01 > The Need for Risk Management
  • Chp.03 > VAR-Based Regulatory Capital
  • Chp.05 > Computing VAR
  • Chp.07 > Portfolio Risk: Analytical Methods
  • Chp.09 > Forecasting Risk and Correlations
  • Chp.11 > VAR Mapping
  • Chp.13 > Liquidity Risk
  • Chp.15 > Using VAR to Measure and Control Risk
  • Chp.17 > VAR and Risk Budgeting in Investment Management
  • Chp.19 > Operational Risk Management
  • Chp.21 > Risk Management Guidelines and Pitfalls
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